
I have got to know a few of you and enjoyed my time here in the short time that I have been site owner here and you all have made me feel very welcoming which I have appreciated very much and I thank you all for that.

There are two reasons why I have made this decision. One of which are two people who have been harrassing me online sending countless emails and blackening my name to anybody who believes them. These people hold grudges and tell lies just to justify their means of seeing situations to their advantage getting people to see their side of things what ever the cost and don't care who they hurt or drag into the situation in the process. I can't deal with that and has hurt me to think that people would double cross you who you think are your friends. I would say be very careful who you trust online!

The other and main reason is that my Dad is very ill with cancer. Obviously that is more important to me than anything else right now, hope you all understand that.

I am sorry if I have let anybody down. I will still pop in from time to time and hope you all continue to enjoy the games here.

PGA's new site owner is fords and know he will do a great job in ensuring the site continues to run smoothly and hope you all welcome him. I wish fords8 the very best of luck.

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