File Name :: ZombIdle 1.03.019
Author :: Arcade Bot
Category :: IBPro Arcade Game Downloads
Screenshot :: Screenshot
Description ::
Destroy buildings with your horde of zombies by clicking endlessly while collecting skulls to increase your overall damage. This game submits score in the background without refreshing the page.

***Update to version 1.03.019 (10/14/16)***

Halloween Update is live!

V1.03.18 saw the introduction of the Halloween update and the challenges there within. The Halloween challenge will be up for about a month!

There has been some confusion regarding how the challenges scale - as it stands today, it scales to the highest difficulty reached.

V1.03.19 (Should be live on Web now! Mobile is on way!) will resolve the bug where refreshing your game will result in the challenges being recalculated and thus being increased appropriately. Each challenge takes the level increase determined.

The formula used is:
if highestDifficultyReached < 100: +50 difficulty
if highestDifficultyReached < 250: +35 difficulty
if highestDifficultyReached < 500: +25 difficulty
if highestDifficultyReached < 750: +20 difficulty
if highestDifficultyReached < 1000: +15 difficulty
if highestDifficultyReached > 1000: +10 difficulty

Updated Sat, Oct 15 2016 12:40 am

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