Arcade reset will be Sunday 1st January 2017 6pm UK time and every 3 months thereafter

Weekly and Monthly challenges for the more competitive amongst you - with special 1st place award (no scoring the most 1st places wins)

Updated Rules will include targeting and shadowing

Customised Titles with acknowledgement from members and staff for >

Most interesting posts - Best topic creator - Most helpful - Nicest Member or staff - Shoutbox King &/or Queen

Donators - will have added features at their fingertips and our heartfelt gratitude

Xx Keep checking here for future news xX

If you have any suggestions and idea's of your own, anything you would like to see on PGA

Post them in our suggestion box please

FOOTNOTE: If you find yourself in member- group <> the email address you provided is either not valid or PGA has been marked as spam.

When mail is sent from the board and it cannot be delivered it is returned. It takes much longer to send mail and bounce backs fill up our mail box.

we created the minus group which would not be included in newsletter send outs .... once you have rectified this please let me know and I will upgrade you.

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